Willkommen / Welcome Police Vehicle Owners Group/ Europe / PVOG PVOG is a community for former original US police vehicles from a broad variety of departments. Purpose is the preservation of those vehicles as precious technical cultural assets. These american police vehicles are special because of their origin, history and technology. We present them as authentic as possible, even with the matching uniforms. Members of the community are normal citizens, as well as active and inactive policemen from the USA, Germany, Austria, Greese and other countries from Europe. The PVOG participates at US Events, US Car Shows, events of government agencies or police festivals often together with the local police forces. Apart from organizing our own events we also take part in Movie/TV productions. All our vehicle are former original US police vehicles and mostly used to be on patrol duty. Die PVOG ist eine der größten Communities  für Eigner ehemaliger,    originaler US-Police-Fahrzeuge. Sinn und Zweck der Community ist    der Erhalt der Fahrzeuge als technisches Kulturgut außerhalb der USA.    Interessant an diesen Fahrzeugen sind ihre besondere Herkunft,    ihre Geschichte und ihre Technik.    Zur Community gehören, neben „normalen“ Bürgern,    auch aktive und ehemalige Polizeibeamte.“